However, playing Homescapes on PC with BlueStacks can greatly help to improve your success, not only by giving you a much more comfortable control scheme, but also by letting you play on your large computer monitor, which will give you a much better view of the board. We’ve already mentioned this a couple of times in the past, so we won’t go into too much detail this time around. Play on BlueStacks to get a Better View of the Board With that being said, we’re going to share a few Homescape tips and tricks that you can keep in mind in order to minimize your losses, and possibly win most of your stages with as few attempts as possible. And while there’s a small element of luck in how the pieces are distributed on the board in every level, whether you clear or lose a stage is almost always in your control. Homescapes 6.3.2 Playrix 211 reviews 3.6 M downloads Renovate the house and play minigames Advertisement Download 143. There will be times when you’re stuck trying to complete a level, or when some stages feel like they can’t be completed at all.

However, despite its casual design and simple mechanics, Homescapes is not an easy game.